
Sunday, February 28, 2010

What Happens In Vegas God Sees

I just so happen to live in Vegas which so many people have coined "Sin City" How can a Christian possibly have anything to do with a city that carries a name like that? When I used to live back east, I can remember seeing commercials for Vegas bragging that what happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas. The commercials alluded to the viewers that they could visit Vegas, and engage in whatever activities, no matter how morally wrong they might be, and then go back home with no one the wiser.

The truth is that the commercials failed to tell the viewers that no matter what we do, there is someone who does see and know everything that happens. God! People may be able to hide or cover up some of the things they may be doing from their friends or their family, however God sees all and one day we all will be held accountable for everything we did or failed to do, whether man caught us in the act or not. One of the attributes of God is that He is omnipresent which means that He has the ability to be everywhere at once. There is no place where man can hide from God. (Jeremiah 23:23-24)

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